动态分享 News
氢能源是一种清洁能源,由氢气(H2)与氧气(O2)在燃料电池中反应生成水和电能。在当前能源结构中,氢能源的开发和利用具有重要意义,因为它可以帮助减少温室气体排放,改善空气质量,并推动可持续能源的发展。 全球氢能产业正在快速增长,预计到2030年投资额将达到3200亿美元。各国政府和企业都在积极推动氢能源的开发和应用,以实现“双碳”目标。许多国家已经发布了氢能战略,制定了相关政策措施来支持氢能源产业…
2025年1月16日,法国GTT公司(Gaztransport & Technigaz)与中国海洋工程装备技术发展有限公司(以下简称中国海工)在上海签署了合作协议,标志着共同推进优化浮式液化天然气装置(FLNG)和浮式储存与再气化装置(FSRU)解决方案的重要里程碑。 根据签署的协议,双方拟合作探索GTT膜技术的应用,开发创新解决方案,并通过数字化工具提供增值服务。 此次合作是建立在202…
1月9日,石油和天然气巨头壳牌公司宣布位于墨西哥湾的深水Whale浮式生产设施(FPU)已开始生产。 Whale生产设施位于阿拉米诺斯峡谷773区块,毗邻壳牌运营的Silvertip油田,距离壳牌运营的Perdido平台约10英里(16公里),位于休斯顿以南约200 英里(320公里)处。 Whale油田于2017年发现,水深约2400米(8000 英尺),是壳牌在墨西哥湾的第12个深水开发项目。…
Oliver Valvetek Celebrates Landmark Achievement with the Shipment of 150,000th Subsea Valve
In a momentous achievement that marks three decades of innovation, reliability, and engineering, Oliver Valvetek proudly announces the shipment of its 150,000th subsea valve. This milestone reflects n…
Oliver Twinsafe Delivers Impressive 12″ Class 1500 Super Duplex Valves for Shell Jackdaw Platform
Oliver Twinsafe is proud to announce the completion of a major project for the Shell Jackdaw platform in the North Sea, delivering two substantial 12″ Class 1500 Super Duplex valves. These valves, des…
Oliver Valves Delivers Key Components for Shell Rosmari Marjoram Project
Oliver Valves is excited to announce its latest contribution to the Shell Rosmari Marjoram Onshore Gas Package with the delivery of three different-sized valves tailored for the DS21 water treatment p…
Oliver Valves Showcases Precision Engineering with Custom Double Block and Bleed Needle Valve Assembly
Oliver Valves is proud to highlight another remarkable achievement from our shop floor. This latest project underscores our ability to collaborate closely with partners and deliver bespoke items that …
Oliver Valves Selected for Major European Compression Manufacturer’s Plaquemines Project
Oliver Valves is pleased to announce our selection to supply soft seated double block and bleed valves in 316 stainless steel for a prominent European compression manufacturer. These valves, ranging i…
Flushing Rings
Flushing Rings, also referred to as drip rings are used between an isolation valve and the diaphragm seal of a pressure transmitter. Side ports on the rings allow media to be injected/ejected so that …