Subsea Gate Valves Manually Actuated Half Turn Subsea Gate Valves
  • Subsea Gate Valves Manually Actuated Half Turn Subsea Gate Valves

Subsea Gate Valves Manually Actuated Half Turn Subsea Gate Valves


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周一至周五 8:00-18:00,周末及法定节假日 9:00-17:00



Oliver Valvetek offers a comprehensive range of engineered-to-precision Subsea manually actuated gate valves. Available in four different bore sizes – 3/8″, 1/2″, 3/4″ and 1 inch, they are suitable for up to 10,000 ft of water depths and a cold working pressure rating up to 15,000 PSI.

Dependant on the size of nominal bore, our half turn manual gate valves have a qualified working temperature of Classifications P-X (-20°F/-29°C to
+311°F/155°C). See Specific data sheets for each of the qualified temperature ranges.

The half turn manual gate is very versatile design giving flexibility of connection orientations and Unique bonnet design which allows 4 alternative stem positions to align with either an ROV panel or extension rods if positioned on the subsea Christmas tree. Due to its innovative design, If stop pin shears due to over-torque, the valve internals will not be damaged and the valve can still be opened and closed.

Our Manually Actuated Subsea Gate Valves provide the end-user with low flow restrictions and metal-to-metal seat sealing isolation. We also utilise Tungsten Carbide (HVOF) hard facing technology which ensures that the sealing is gas-tight (meeting with API6A PSL3G).

We also offer a range of hydraulically actuated gate valves, multi turn manual gate valves and rotary gate valves to compliment this gate valver design.